FOUR MONTHS!!! (or holy shit I’ve been slack.)

Sorry about that.

I kinda fell into the tattoo shop and have been doing that. Hey, I neglected it for most of 2012 and a LOT of 2013 for the writing gig so it was needed. But rest assured, it’s all coming up nicely.

Now I have been working on writing, never you fear. I have several projects in the air. Some from Big Publishers, some from Small Press, and some that are Indie Published.

Try this:

ROBOTS UNLEASHED!  from Mechanoid Press.

My story GODRIDER is in here with two other stories of robot goodness. I didn’t do the cover art, but I did do the layout.

Get it HERE

And don’t forget my two Indie Published releases



Both of them put a chunk of change in my pocket and they kick ass too!